Intake social workers answer phone calls and meet with people who come to the agency seeking help for themselves, family members, or community members. They may also contact intake to share concerns or make a report on someone they believe is being abused, neglected, or is at risk.
Why is it important?
Intake social workers work with individuals to sort out what kind of help they are looking for, identify strengths of the client, and the best resource for them. Staff will, when appropriate; assist the individual to connect to those resources. This position provides early access, which promotes better outcomes for the client and community as a whole.
The public policy of Minnesota is to protect children and vulnerable adults whose health or welfare may be jeopardized through physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, or sexual abuse. Concerned individuals calling in reports of possible abuse or neglect allow SWHHS to intervene, assess risk, and work towards greater safety.

Intake Example
A mother moving to our six county region who is fleeing a domestic abuse situation with her two children calls SWHHS intake line. One child has a disability. The intake worker offers services the agency has for her and her family. Some of these may include children’s mental health, parent support outreach program, MNChoices assessment and access to public assistance. She would also be provided information on community services such as domestic violence services, crime victim services, housing information, and area schools. Guidance would also be provided on application processes or information on where to find the application online if necessary.
County Office Numbers (For Financial, Child Support and Public Health)
To contact an intake worker during business hours (8 am to 4:30 pm ) call:
- Lincoln County : 1-800-657-3781
- Lyon County : (Human Services : 1-800-657-3760) (Public Health : 1-888-837-6713)
- Murray County : 1-800-657-3811
- Pipestone County : 1-888-632-4325
- Redwood County : 1-888-234-1292
- Rock County : 1-855-877-3762
Children Services
Referrals, service requests or Child Protection reports 1-888-964-8407
Adult Services
Referrals or service requests 1-800-810-8816
Vulnerable Adult Report
1-844-880-1574 or go to Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center
To report the abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult, report online.
Immediate Assistance
If you require immediate assistance for an emergency mental health concern or if you are feeling suicidal call:
- 1-800-658-2429 for Lincoln, Lyon, Murray and Redwood Counties.
- 1-800-642-1525 for Pipestone and Rock Counties.