Vulnerable adult (VA) is a person 18 years of age or older who:
- Is currently living in a residential facility (i.e. nursing home, hospital, Intermediate Care Facility/Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD), adult foster care) or
- Receives services in their home or
- Requires help in caring for and protecting themselves
If a person is in immediate danger, call 911 to report the situation.
Adult maltreatment is:
- Physical or emotional acts that harm or intend to harm
- Words or gestures that harm or intend to harm
- Forcing a vulnerable adult to perform services for the advantage of another
- Not enough food, clothing, shelter, health care, or supervision
- Unauthorized use of the vulnerable adult’s money or property
Southwest Health and Human Services Investigation Prioritization Guidelines
To Make a Vulnerable Adult Report
Effective July 1, 2015 reports of suspected maltreatment of a vulnerable adult are made to a Common Entry point available 24/7. For emergency situations please call 911!
Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center
Toll-free reporting phone number for the general public
For more information go visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Information you will need to know:
The name and address of the VA
The name and address of the person who may be causing harm
The date and time of the alleged incident you are reporting
Details of what occurred
If you give your name as the reporter, your name will be kept confidential.