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Senior Services

Southwest Health and Human Services is dedicated to helping all seniors live in the setting of their choice with supportive services.  The first step in deciding what services are needed and what services are available is to have a MnCHOICES Assessment with a certified assessor from Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Redwood or Rock County.

A MnCHOICES assessment is a meeting between a certified assessor and the consumer who is being assessed.  During the meeting a standardized assessment helps determine what the strengths of the individual are as well as areas in which they may need assistance. There are questions about health status and independence in areas of daily living, the assessor is able to describe services that are available as well as give names of providers of those services. The assessor is able to describe services that are available as well as give names of providers of those services.  Information is shared about public programs that can fund services and the eligibility requirements.  There may be a pre-admission screening for nursing home placement for long term stays or short term recovery placement. If the consumer is eligible for and wants services the casemanager/assessor will help arrange for services. A casemanager can also assist people who are able to and want to leave the nursing home to return to more independent living.

Funding programs, based on eligibility, to help with services in the community include:

  • Alternative Care (AC) Program
  • Elderly Waiver (EW)
  • Home Care Services
  • Personal Care Assistance (PCA)

Alternative Care (AC)

Elderly Waiver


Home Care Services

These services are for persons with a disability and special health care needs who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA), and some recipients of Minnesota Care may also qualify. Services available include:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy and Other Services
  • Professional Nursing Services

Personal Care Assistance (PCA)

This service is available to a current Medical Assistance (MA) recipient and who is eligible for supportive services. Services available include:

  • Assistance with Activities of Daily Living:
  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Eating
  • Personal Hygiene

Assistance to Stay at Home

There are support services available for people who need assistance to live safely in their homes. You can call The Linkage Line or the Intake Line at SWHHS. If you would like to see if you are eligible for services and to find out what services are available, please request a LTCC.

Community Services

Community Services

  • Adult Day Services – This service provides a range of activities including assistance with personal care and health monitoring, outings, social events, meals, or snacks.  Usually provided Monday through Friday with options to attend full or partial days.
  • Chore Services – This service includes heavy household chores such as washing floors or windows, moving heavy items, and seasonal yard work.
  • Emergency Call Systems – Devices that can be worn by persons to access help in an emergency situation.
  • Home Delivered Meals – This service provides meals to person who are not able to prepare their own meals.
  • Homemaking – Assistance with meal preparation, household chores, laundry, shopping, and errands.
  • Nursing Care and Therapies – Services that are ordered by your physician.
  • Personal Care – Assistance with hygiene, dressing, and eating.
  • Respite Care – This service provides a break for caregivers for a few hours or overnight.
  • Supplies and Equipment – Examples of items range from canes, walkers, grab bars, wheelchairs, and lift chairs to incontinence supplies.
  • Transportation – Transportation to access community services and events excluding transportation to medical appointments.
Housing Options

Housing Options

  • Adult Foster Homes – These homes have staff 24 hours a day to assist the residents as needed.  Usually residents have their own room and use common areas with the other residents for meals.
  • Assisted Living – These apartment buildings have private apartments with housekeeping and meal options.  Additional services based on need for personal care or nursing services are available.
  • Independent Living Options – Seniors can continue to live in their own homes or an apartment.  Services can be provided as needed to allow the individual to remain living in their home.
  • Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) – Long term care facilities that offer nursing care to residents.  They provide nursing, personal care, dietary, therapeutic, social, spiritual, and recreational services.
Help to Pay for Senior Services

Help to Pay for Senior Services

  • Medicare – Medicare is a Federal health insurance program for people 65 years or older and certain people with disabilities.
  • Minnesota Health Care Programs – Some seniors with limited income may qualify for State or federal programs.  An application for Minnesota Health Care Programs will need to be submitted to see if eligibility is met for the programs.

Have Questions or Need Help?

We are available to provide you with guidance and support.
