The Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver is for people with disabilities who require the level of care provided in a nursing facility. To be eligible for the CADI waiver, a person must choose the CADI Waiver and meet all of the following criteria:
- Be eligible for Medical Assistance (MA)
- Be certified disabled by Social Security or through the State Medical Review Team (SMRT) process
- Be under the age of 65 years at the time of opening to the waiver
- Be found to need level of care provided at the nursing facility level
- Has an assessed need for supports and services over and above those available through the MA State Plan

Nursing Facility Level of Care Criteria
To meet the requirements for a Nursing Facility Level of Care through assessment of need at levels established by Minnesota Statute, 144.0724, Subdivision 11.
Available Services
- Adult Day Care/Adult Day Care Bath
- Assisted Living
- Assisted Living Plus
- Case Management
- Case Management Aide
- Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)
- Extended Home Care Services
- Family Training, Education, and Counseling
- Foster Care
- Home Delivered Meal
- Homemaker
- Independent Living Skills (ILS)
- Modifications and Adaptations
- Prevocational Services
- Residential Care Services
- Respite
- Specialized Equipment and Supplies
- Supported Employment Services
- Transportation
- Transitional Services