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Children’s Mental Health

SWHHS provides services to children with mental health conditions based on eligibility.  Eligibility is determined by the results of a Diagnostic Assessment by a mental health professional.  The Diagnostic Assessment is a written evaluation of the child’s current life situation and sources of stress, current functioning and symptoms, history of mental health problems, diagnosis and statement of Severe Emotional Disturbance (SED) and a need for mental health services.


To be eligible for case management and Family Community Support Services, the child must be a child  “with severe emotional disturbance (SED)” which means a child who has an emotional disturbance and who meets one of the following criteria:

girl and her parents at psychologist consultation

The term “child with severe emotional disturbance” shall be used only for purposes of county eligibility determinations.

  • The child has been admitted within the last three years or is at risk of being admitted to in patient treatment or residential treatment for an emotional disturbance; or

  • The child is a Minnesota resident and is receiving in patient treatment or residential treatment for an emotional disturbance through the interstate compact; or

  • The child has one of the following as determined by a mental health professional:

    • Psychosis or clinical depression; or
    • Risk of harming self or others as a result of an emotional disturbance; or
    • Psychopathological symptoms as a result of being a victim of physical or sexual abuse or of psychic trauma within the past year; or
  • The child, as a result of an emotional disturbance, has significantly impaired home, school, or community functioning that has lasted at least one year or that, in the written opinion of a mental health professional, presents substantial risk of lasting at least one year.

Available Services
