Because babies don’t come with an instruction manual, Southwest Health and Human Services has a Maternal/Child Health Service Program. The program offers home visiting by a Public Health Nurse during pregnancy and after your baby arrives.
The family home visiting program is called EPIC (Enhancing Positive Interfamily Connections). EPIC is a parent attachment, child development, family strengthening and life skills home visiting program based on the Growing Great Kids curriculum for pregnant women and families with children birth to 3 years old. This program is geared toward pregnant women who need additional support during their pregnancy and after the baby arrives.
Visits Include
Information to enhance pregnancy health
Information to enrich the baby's health, growth, and development
Highlighting the family support network
Age appropriate activities for parents to connect with their children
Provide links to community resources

Supporting Hands Nurse-Family Partnership
Support for First-Time Mothers
This is a voluntary service for first-time moms that is offered at no cost thanks to funding support from a variety of other resources. Mothers will have a personal nurse visiting them at home, who can offer education and support during pregnancy. The nurse is available throughout pregnancy and up to when the child is two years of age.
For more information, please visit the Supporting Hands Nurse-Family Partnership.