Screen Time
All forms of media, including smartphones, computers and TVs, can affect how children feel, learn, think, and behave. But you, as a parent, are still the most importance influence. You can decide what media use is best for your family, to strike a healthy balance between the risks and benefits of media use.
Media use guidelines for families:
- Minimize or eliminate media exposure, other than video chatting, for children under 18 months old.
- For children 18-24 months, select high quality programming with your child, if you choose to introduce digital media.
- Limit screen use to no more than 1 hour per day for ages 2 to 5 years of age.
- For 5 years and older, make sure media is not displacing daily sleep needs, exercise, and family time.
- Engage in conversations with tweens and teens about their media use, what they are seeing, who they are communicating with, etc.
More Information:
The AAP Parenting Website (2023, December 13) Where We Stand: Screen Time. Where We Stand: Screen Time -
The AAP Parenting Website (2022, July 20) Beyond Screen Time: Help Your Kids Build Healthy Media Use Habits. Beyond Screen Time -
Child and Teen Checkups are regular screenings and physical examination of your child to help keep your child healthy. Children and teenagers from birth through 20 years of age who are receiving Medical Assistance are enrolled in this program. If any health problems are found, they can be treated early. Children can be tested for exposure to lead or Tuberculosis and other diseases during their checkup. Parents and children receive information about healthy lifestyles during their visit. Dental checkups can be performed at the dentist.

Included in the checkup are: monitoring of height and weight, hearing and vision, development, diet, dental health, physical exams, immunization, other health information and lab test results. The health checkup may be used for Head Start, WIC, sports physical, school, or day-care programs.
Child and Teen Checkups occur at:
0-1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 and 30 months
Annually starting at age 3 through age 20
Dental checkups start at the first tooth eruption or by age 1.
After the first dental checkup, a visit to the dentist should occur every 6 months or earlier if problems are noted.
You may receive your checkups from your doctor or at a clinic. Children enrolled in a health plan must receive their Child and Teen Checkups from providers in their health plan. Child and Teen Checkups are at no cost to you. Checkups are a covered service by Medical Assistance.

Need Help?
The Child and Teen Checkup Coordinator can help you find a clinic, schedule regular checkups, find a dentist, get an interpreter and set up transportation. Call 1-888-837-6713 for more information about the Child and Teen Checkups program.