Community Health Assessment
Southwest Health and Human Services has completed the 2019 Community Health Assessment (CHA). The Community Health Assessment is community-driven process SWHHS uses to establish health priorities and identify strategies to improve health in the six-county service area.
One of the tools used in the assessment process was the quality of life survey. Survey results and conversations with community members determined the top ten health concerns for SWHHS residents.
Past Community Health Assessments
Community Health Improvement Plan
The SWHHS Community Health Improvement Plan is a key step in a long-term, systematic effort to address public health issues identified in the community health assessment.
The plan is intended to be a call to action and a guide for community stakeholders to improve health in Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Pipestone, Redwood, and Rock Counties.
Past Community Health Improvement Plans
- SWHHS Community Health Improvement Plan 2015-2019
2015 Southwest Minnesota Healthy Communities Survey
The 2015 Southwest Minnesota Healthy Communities Survey was conducted to learn about the health and health habits of residents living in 16 counties in southwest Minnesota. The information provided below highlights the findings in our 6 county region.
2017 Cultural Focus Groups
In the summer of 2017, Southwest Health and Human Services contracted with Wilder Research to conduct a community health needs assessment to identify the health needs and assets of prominent cultural groups in the six-county region. Wilder Research conducted five focus groups with four cultural communities in the Southwest region: American Indian (Lower Sioux), Hmong, Latino, and Somali.
The information below contains the summary reports for each community.
Health Equity Data Analysis Project: Lincoln County
LiveWell is community-wide partnership focused on enhancing all areas of health and well-being for all those that live, learn, work, and play in Redwood County.
From the quality of life survey and conversations with the community members the top ten health concerns have been determined for Redwood County residents.
For more information on the CHA, CHIP, Adult Health Survey, or Focus Groups contact Public Health Director, Carol Biren at (507) 537-6713.